
Health and Community Services Department

Flu Vaccine

Flu vaccine appointments are available at Kalamazoo County Health and Community Services Department.

Together and along with our healthcare partners, we urge Kalamazoo County to get vaccinated against the flu this year. As the coronavirus pandemic continues to affect Kalamazoo County communities, getting vaccinated against the flu is one of the best ways to reduce the amount of respiratory illness that is circulating in our area.

Every person six months and older should get an annual flu vaccine, especially this year. Certain groups are considered at highest risk, like young children, pregnant women, adults who have chronic health conditions or adults who are over the age of fifty.

Flu Vaccine Locations

A flu vaccine is available at local medical offices, pharmacies, and community events. Most people with insurance can get free flu shots at their doctor’s office or pharmacy. You can also visit for more local options. Always call before visiting to ask about payment, required insurance and forms, and COVID-19 safety measures in place.

Flu Information Resources

Influenza Data Dashboard

For Influenza case and vaccination data for Kalamazoo County and the State of Michigan, visit the Kalamazoo County Influenza Data Dashboard.

Flu Vaccine Questions

To see a complete list of Frequently Asked Questions, visit the CDC Influenza (Flu) Website.

Contact Us

311 E. Alcott St.
Kalamazoo, MI 49001

269-373-5200 (HCS main line)
269-373-5203 (Clinic Immunizations)