
Kalamazoo County Animal Services and Enforcement

Kennel Licensing

Kennel License inspections and sales are done in the month of May. If you did not have a kennel license the previous year, than you must notify Kalamazoo County Animal Services of your request for a Kennel License in April.

If you did not have a kennel license for the previous year, you must first check with your local Township Office to make sure that the Township will allow you to operate a kennel at your location, and provide written permission for a kennel from your Township.

First time Kennel operators applying for a Kennel License, must have all dogs on the property currently licensed by March 1st. Any dogs on the property without a current license between March 1st and the date of a Kennel License being issued will be considered delinquent and may be subject to the delinquent fines. Once a Kennel License is issued, it will be valid until the same time next year.

Any Kennel License applied for after June 1st (for previous Kennel License owners only), will be considered delinquent and will be charged double.

Inspection and License Fees:

  • Kennel Inspection 3-10 Dogs $40.00
  • Kennel Inspection 11-30 Dogs $65.00
  • Kennel Inspection 31+ Dogs $105.00
  • Kennel License up to 10 Dogs $10.00
  • Kennel License over 10 Dogs $25.00

The following forms are available for informational purposes only:

Payment Methods

Kennel Inspection and License fees may be made at KCASE, at the time of Inspection or mailed to our office. Phone and internet transactions are not available at this time.

Fees may be paid via Credit/Debit Cards, Checks (no starter checks, must be numbered 1000 or over), Money Orders, Cashier's Checks, or Cash.

Animal Services & Enforcement
1316 Lamont Avenue
Kalamazoo, MI 49048
PH: 269-383-8775
FAX: 269-383-8713
Director: Chad Ensign


Adoption/Viewing Hours:
Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, and Sat
10 am to 12:30 pm
2 pm to 4:30 pm
10 am to 12:30 pm
2 pm to 7 pm

Office Hours:
Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, and Sat
8 am to 1 pm
2 pm to 4:30 pm
8 am to 1 pm
2 pm to 7 pm

Sunday and Holidays