
8th District Court

Kalamazoo County District Court Memo

TO: Persons Requesting General Records Checks

FROM: Kevin Tatroe, Court Administrator

Please be advised that per 8th District Court Administrative Order 2020-05, a specific case number or the party names are required in order to provide the information you have requested.

If you do not have a specific case number or case name, the 8th District Court regrets that it cannot accommodate your request at this time. Please review the following options to obtain the information required to proceed with the court record check.

  1. You may review available case indexes either by using the public terminals located at both court locations, or by viewing online records at the District Court Case Search in order to identify and select specific cases for inspection. Please note that these indexes may only provide information on current or recent court cases from the 8th District Court.
  2. 2. A more complete record check, including cases not housed at the court or available through the indexes, may be requested by writing the appropriate state agency. Both the Michigan State Police and the Department of State maintain computer information expressly for this purpose.
    1. To obtain a Criminal Record Check either contact the Michigan State Police Central Records Division at (517) 241-0606 or go to the Michigan State Police Website at to obtain information on how to use the Internet Criminal History Access Tool (ICHAT)
    2. To obtain a Driving (Traffic) Record contact: Michigan Department of State
      Commercial Look-up Unit
      7064 Crowner Drive
      Lansing MI 48918

Once you have received the complete record checks, you will be able to contact the Court or agency listed on the records to obtain specific case information.

If you have any additional questions, please contact the Court at (269) 384-8171.