
Older Adult Services Division

Reports and Plans

Multi-Year and Annual Implementation Plans

To receive funding and comply with State and Federal operational requirements, all Area Agencies on Aging must develop a Multi-Year Plan (MYP) and subsequent Annual Implementation Plans (AIP). These plans are reviewed and approved by the State Commission on Aging. The following plans are available for review:

Senior Needs Assessments

The Kalamazoo County Area Agency on Aging completes Senior Community Needs Assessments through a contracted provider. These reports identify service area needs, community demographic information, and provide information to optimize service utilization and programmatic planning.

Financial Reports / OASAC Slides

The OASAC slides contain financial reports for Older Americans Act (OAA) and Senior Millage funding and spending. To access these reports, please refer to the slides labeled "Financial Updates" from February 2023 onwards and "SBR" slides for January 2023 and older.

During each monthly OASAC meeting, Spending Balance Reports (SBR) are presented. These reports display line item, annual budget, YTD expenses, and service providers receiving funding.

Contact Us

311 E. Alcott St.
Kalamazoo, MI 49001

Email a clinical social worker
Connect to AAA’s Facebook Page

To make a referral to our Choices For Independence Program, please fill out the Service Request Form found here.

269-373-5173 (program line)
269-373-5227 (Fax)
269-373-5200 (HCS main line)


Monday-Friday: By Appointment Only
Call 269-373-5173 to schedule an appointment


Kalamazoo County Health & Community Services is committed to providing equitable, culturally competent care to all individuals served, regardless of race, age, sex, color, national origin, religion, height, weight, marital status, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. 

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