
Drinking Water

Groundwater Concerns in Kalamazoo County

Environmental Health has updated daily hours. Open 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Closed 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.)

Our actions can directly affect the quality of groundwater. Because groundwater is always moving, even if it is only inches per year, what leaks into the ground at one location could affect someone else's drinking water. The most numerous identified sources of groundwater contamination in the county are Leaking Underground Storage Tanks and other industrial or commercial sites of point source contamination. Point source contamination refers to a known source or location of the contamination, such as a spill or leak.

Additionally, Non-point source contamination can be caused by numerous small sources of onsite sewage systems, agricultural run-off, road maintenance, and incorrect yard maintenance. Compared with point source contamination, non-point source contamination can lead to widespread contamination and is diffuse and difficult to identify. Elevated nitrate concentrations are an unfortunate example of non-point source contamination in Kalamazoo County.

Partial Chemical and Arsenic Water Quality Information

The link below provides a search for well water quality test results. The database is searchable by specific addresses, a range of addresses, or a combination of township and section. The chemicals analyzed may include nitrate as nitrogen, nitrite as nitrogen, fluoride, chloride, hardness, sodium, iron, sulfate, and arsenic. This information was collected for a variety of reasons, such as a property sale, new construction or routine monitoring. A partial chemistry analysis is a common water test to check basic groundwater quality. It includes compounds that may have a health risk at high levels (such as nitrate, nitrite and fluoride), and aesthetic compounds (such as iron and hardness). If you are interested in sampling your water, refer to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy Drinking Water Laboratory, or contact us for additional information. 

Sites of Concern

There are known sites in Kalamazoo County where groundwater is contaminated, or has the potential to become contaminated. Sources include leaking underground storage tanks, industrial and manufacturing operations, and other spills or leaks. These sites of known contamination (listed under Part 201 and 213 of Public Act 451 of 1994) are constantly being monitored by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy, and clean-up is ongoing. Kalamazoo County maintains a database of currently listed sites, locations with land use restrictions or where contamination has migrated offsite, and locations where drinking water monitoring is ongoing. Current lists of Leaking Underground Storage Tank sites (Part 213) and sites of known Environmental Contamination (Part 201) can be searched on line through the Remediation Information Data Exchange. Each site has information available such as the address, contamination source, type of contaminants, or a hyperlink to additional information. Environmental Health screens all drinking water well permit applications for proximity to known contamination sites in Kalamazoo County before issuing a permit. Alternative construction, additional sampling, or connection to a municipal supply may be required in these areas. Please feel free to contact us for additional information on this program.

West KL Avenue Landfill Superfund Site Residential Water Well Sampling

Sampling of the water wells located near the former West KL Avenue Landfill is conducted periodically. Contact us for information on these sampling results.  The United States Environmental Protection Agency maintains a website dedicated to this site that is updated periodically.

Helpful Links

Michigan Drinking Water Contamination Investigation Program
US Environmental Protection Agency Projects in Michigan Website

Contact Us

311 E. Alcott St.
Kalamazoo, MI 49001

269-373-5200 (HCS main line)


8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(Closed 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.)
Monday thru Friday



Kalamazoo County Health & Community Services is committed to providing equitable, culturally competent care to all individuals served, regardless of race, age, sex, color, national origin, religion, height, weight, marital status, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. 

Links to external sites do not constitute endorsements by Kalamazoo County.