Sponsored Activities
The Kalamazoo County Veterans Service Office sponsors a number of activities designed to promote the recognition of veterans' contributions to the community and our country.
- Homeless Veterans STAND DOWN. An event to provide much needed assistance to less fortunate veterans who find themselves in a position of financial, physical or emotional homelessness. Medical care, dental assessments, clothing, food and counseling are provided for by a joint venture of various community organizations.
- Veterans Day Remembrance Ceremony. Co-sponsored with Kalamazoo Sunrise Rotary, and held each year on November 11th at Rose Park in the City of Kalamazoo to honor all veterans who served in the armed forces from our community.
The following are the required documents you need to bring with you:
- DD214
- Marriage License
- Death Certificate
- Bank Statement (to show ALL assets: accounts, IRAs, stocks, etc.)
- Social Security Statement (must have statement)
- Pension Statement (must have statement)
- Voided check/Account Information (account and routing numbers)
The following are the required documents you need to bring with you:
- DD214
- Marriage License
- Bank Statement (to show ALL assets: accounts, IRAs, stocks, etc.)
- Social Security Statement (must have statement. Must have all income and asset information)
- Pension Statement (must have statement. Must have all income and asset information)
- Itemized Receipt of Medical Expenses
- Voided check/Account Information (account and routing numbers)
- Private Medical Records showing documentation of a disability
The following are the required documents you need to bring with you:
- DD214
- Marriage License (must have dates and locations. Must have current and any previous for self and spouse)
- Divorce Decree (must have dates and locations. Must have current and any previous for self and spouse)
- Voided check/Account Information (account and routing numbers)
- Private Medical Records showing diagnosis and service treatment records
- DD214
- Marriage License
- Death Certificate
- Award Letter from VA regarding disability
The following are the required documents you need to bring with you:
- DD214
- Marriage License
- Bank Statement (to show ALL assets: accounts, IRAs, stocks, etc.)
- Social Security Statement (must have statement. Must have all income and asset information)
- Pension Statement (must have statement. Must have all income and asset information)
- Itemized Receipt
- Voided check/Account Information (account and routing numbers)
- 21-2680 Housebound Status Information
Agent Orange
Behavioral Health for Veterans
Camp Lejeune
Center for Women Veterans
Grand Rapids Home for Veterans, Dept. of Military and Veterans Affairs-state run organization
Gulf War
Justice for Vets
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - Veterans Or 1-800-273-TALK
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Health Benefits
VA Education Benefits
Veterans Helping Veterans 269-420-7638 - Call for information on assistance