Human Resources Department
Veteran Friendly Employer
You've served our country and we are grateful. We know that your service has made you a leader and a disciplined, strategic thinker with an unmatched level of loyalty. Kalamazoo County Government believes that the armed services offers a great talent pool of individuals that possess skill sets that are aligned with our hiring needs. Come join us!
We encourage Veterans to apply for positions within our organization and are here to assist you in any way we can. We provide:
- Veterans preference in hiring.
- Continued healthcare through deployment.
- Differential pay during deployment.
- Wellness program.
- Excellent benefit and leave package.
Whether you want to apply your skills in an office setting, law enforcement, or another position within the County, you can find jobs with Kalamazoo County Government that align with your knowledge and skillset.
- Don't forget to mention your veterans status on your application.
- Don't forget to submit your Joint Services Transcript with your application.
Contact Us
Office Hours
8:00am - 4:30pm
Closed 12:30 – 1:00 pm
Monday - Friday
Human Resources Department:
201 West Kalamazoo Avenue
Kalamazoo, MI 49007
Phone: (269) 383-8998
Fax: (269) 359-3481