
Office of the Prosecuting Attorney

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Jeffrey S. Getting
Prosecuting Attorney

330 Eleanor St.
Judge Charles A. Pratt Justice Center
Kalamazoo, MI 49007
Fax - 269-383-0475

Open to Public Monday - Friday
8:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:30

Interview Hours for Assault Victims
8:30-11:30 and 1:00-4:30
For specific questions call: (269) 383-8974
Email to OPA

WELCOME to the Kalamazoo County, Michigan Prosecuting Attorney's Web Site. We hope these pages will be of assistance to you in learning about our Office and the criminal justice system.

The Kalamazoo County Prosecuting Attorney's Office has long been recognized as a state and national leader and innovator in criminal justice. In the 1980's, we pioneered one of the first Prosecutor Victim Advocate Programs in America. We were among the first to have a Career Criminal program, computerized management information system, subpoena-by-mail procedure and Specialized Child Sexual Assault Prosecutor Program. In the decade of the 90's, we continued our innovation in Michigan with the first Domestic Violence Unit, District Court Witness Coordinator Program, Neighborhood Prosecutor Program and Computer Technical Trial Assistant Program. Over the years, the Office and its individual members have received numerous honors, recognitions and awards.

Today, the Office of Prosecuting Attorney continues to enjoy a reputation for leadership, innovation and cutting-edge programs designed to hold criminals strictly accountable, help crime victims and provide effective and efficient public service. We were honored to have been selected as one of only five National Mentor Prosecutor Offices in America by the Jefferson Institute of Washington, DC and the US Justice Department. We partnered with the Courts and others in the criminal justice system to create one of the first Drug Treatment Courts in the State, as well as a Sobriety Court and Mental Health Recovery Court.

The Office is comprised of three divisions/teams: Circuit Court, District Court, and Family Court. Each division includes attorneys, victim advocates and support staff who handle the cases in those specific court areas. Our goal is to continue to provide the highest quality, yet cost-efficient public service. Most importantly, our goal is to provide justice for the citizens of Kalamazoo County.