Kalamazoo County Parks and Expo Center
Kalamazoo River Valley Trail, Trail Rules
Kalamazoo River Valley Trail
- Trail is open daily from 7:00 a.m. to sunset.
- Obey all trail and traffic signs.
- All trails are designated for pedestrians or non-motorized transportation only. Horses are not permitted.
- No person shall operate an ATV, ORV, snowmobile, mini-bike, scooter, go-cart or similar motorized device.
- Pets must be on a leash no more than 6 feet long and owners must clean up after their pets.
- Fires and fireworks are prohibited.
- It is unlawful to hunt, trap, or kill any animal or bird, except for fish on park grounds.
- Solicitation, peddling, advertising, or commercial business activity is not allowed without prior approval.
- Camping is not permitted.
- It is unlawful destroy park property or litter or dump in any park area.
- Removing or damaging any natural material, whether alive or dead, from park property is prohibited.
- No person shall engage in any violent, abusive, boisterous, loud, illegal, obscene, or similar disorderly conduct which unreasonably interferes with another person's use or enjoyment of facility. Loudspeakers, public address systems, and sound amplifying equipment may only be used with written permit.
- No person shall post, paste, fasten, or affix any notice or sign within a facility except for temporary directional signs for approved special events. Temporary signs must be removed at the end of the event.
Choosing to violate any of the Kalamazoo County Park rules may result in eviction and/or prosecution.
Trail Courtesies
- Follow all County Park Trail Rules.
- Obey all trail and traffic signs.
- Always wear a bicycle helmet.
- Cyclists and skaters must yield to pedestrians.
- Keep right and pass left. Give audible warning before passing.
- Respect private property and other trail users.
- Clean up after your dogs.
- Do not block the trail. Travel in single file.
- Travel at a safe speed in a predictable route.
- Stay on the designated trail.
- Be courteous and have fun!
In case of emergency - dial 911.