
Kalamazoo County Parks and Expo Center

Kalamazoo River Valley Trail, Trail Events and Programs

Kalamazoo River Valley Trail

Upcoming Events/Programs

There are no events or programs currently scheduled.

KRV Trail Programming

Although Michigan is ranked near the top nationally for its amount of trails, it is also ranked high in obesity, coronary heart disease and diabetes. The existence of trails alone does not lead to improved health if they are not used. Programs and events on trails encourage usage, improving your health and well-being. They also provide enjoyable outdoor opportunities for you and your family - and the health, recreational and educational benefits of participating in programs are endless.

In partnership with the Parks Foundation of Kalamazoo County, the Kalamazoo County Parks Department received a grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to plan and implement programs/special events that encourage trail usage. The Parks Foundation of Kalamazoo County, the Kalamazoo County Parks Department and the Friends of the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail are committed to providing programs and special events to help maximize the benefits of the trail!

If you would like to support trail programs beyond the initial grant funding, all contributions are welcome and appreciated. 100% of donations to the KRV Trail Program will be dedicated to the support of programs that encourage and increase trail usage, improving the health and well-being of citizens in our community. So join us on the trail and please consider supporting future programming!

Please make checks payable to Kalamazoo County Treasurer (include "Trail Programs" in the memo line).

Send to:

KRV Trail Programming
2900 Lake St.
Kalamazoo, MI 49048

Mission Statement: The mission of Kalamazoo River Valley Trail Programming is to encourage and increase trail usage by planning and implementing programs and events that coincide with eight benefit areas including: health and fitness, tourism, economic development, recreation, transportation, education, quality of life and environmental/land preservation.

To fulfill this mission, Kalamazoo River Valley Trail Programming has established the following goals:

  • Offer a wide range of opportunities for people of all ages, and all abilities.
  • Involve volunteers to assist with providing a safe, well-maintained trail; as well as various other activities - making civic engagement the cornerstone of our efforts.
  • Specifically target non-users.
  • Build and maintain partnerships with groups that have similar interests.

Vision: Our vision is to improve the health and well-being of all citizens in Kalamazoo and Calhoun Counties by maximizing the benefits of the trail.

KRVT Programming: 2900 Lake St. Phone: 269-383-8778

Self-Guided Family Scavenger Hunts

Busy schedule? Unable to make it to our programs? Here's the perfect chance to visit the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail when it is most convenient for you! Complete the hunt and mail it in for monthly prize drawings. There are three options, click on the below icons and print off your copy today!

10th Street
Scavenger Hunt Flyer

Mayors' Riverfront Park
Scavenger Hunt Flyer

Paterson Street
Scavenger Hunt Flyer