Kalamazoo County Parks and Expo Center
Parks and Expo Center News
Traditional Bowhunters Expo
January 24 - 26, 2025
The largest Traditional Bowhunters Expo in the world featuring the nation's top traditional bowyers, dealers and traditional craftsmen. Try out new bows and shop for all your traditional archery supplies. Plus broadhead displays, bowhunting displays, seminars, workshops, kid's shooting area, and a 12-target bow testing area.
A Traditional & Classic Archery Tradeshow will be held in Expo North and will open at 9am on Friday. Vintage and used gear.
Admission: $20.00 covers expo and TCATS all weekend, Kids under 12 are free.
Hours: Friday 1-6pm, Saturday 9am-5pm, Sunday 9am-12pm. Held in entire Expo Center.
For more information about the expo contact David Darling at 269-303-6630 or kzoobowworks@yahoo.com kzoobowworks.com