
Planning & Development Department

Kalamazoo County Online Mapping

2019 NEWS: Kalamazoo County has a new GIS online mapping website!

Kalamazoo County has replaced the old GIS mapping website with an ArcGIS On-line application. Compared to the old website, there are some differences in how the new website functions, and how you access the data, maps and reports. As you familiarize yourself with the new website, please feel free to contact us if you need assistance in navigating the site.

Phone 269-384-8112, or

Please read DISCLAIMER INFORMATION below prior to proceeding

Please disable all pop-up blockers before using the Online GIS.

Continue to NEW mapping

How to Use this Site:

This service will enable you to search our county wide mapping system. You have the option of viewing the county in detail based on particular criteria or by zooming in to an area of interest. This is a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) application. On this mapping website, you can view the parcel layer, tax maps, aerial imagery from 2018, the soil layer and the National Wetland Inventory (NWI) layer. More layers are added as we keep working on the new website.

Please note that the county wide parcel layer is updated only once every year to match the annual tax roll. For more updated property ownership information, please contact the respective municipalities. Links to their websites can be found HERE.

For questions regarding this service, please contact the Kalamazoo County Planning & Development Department at 269-384-8112 or by email

The City of Kalamazoo, the City of Portage and Oshtemo Township have similar mapping websites where the units' information can be viewed and printed (see web links below.) The City of Portage and Oshtemo Township parcel layers are also included in the County mapping website. For more extensive and up-to-date information about the City of Kalamazoo, City of Portage or Oshtemo Township, go to their respective websites:

City of Kalamazoo mapping website - City of Portage mapping website - Oshtemo Township mapping website

Links to Township Websites

System Information:

For the best performance with the County ArcGIS On-line website, use the latest version of one of these browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Edge
  • Firefox
  • Internet Explorer 11. Compatibility View is not supported.
  • Safari

DISCLAIMER - Please Read

Maps and documents made available to the public by the County are neither legally recorded maps nor surveys and are not intended to be used as such. The maps and documents are created as part of a Geographic Information System (GIS) that compiles records, information, and data from various township, village, city, county, state and federal sources. The source data may contain errors. Additionally, maps and documents prepared by the GIS from multiple sources, even if derived from data that is error free, may not be reliable due to differences in the databases or computer programs of the source materials. None of the maps or documents should be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance, direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact (269) 384-8112. The State, County, Townships, Cities and Villages shall not be liable for any damages or claims that arise out of the user's access to, or use of the maps, documents and data provided.

The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Michigan Public Act #462 of 1996, the Enhanced Access to Public Records ACT, and the user of this map acknowledges that the State, County, Townships, Cities and Villages shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the State, County, Townships, Cities and Villages from any and all claims brought by the User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the User's access or use of data provided.