
Planning & Development Department

Planning Library

1. Aerial Photography Resources in Kalamazoo County

City of Kalamazoo
Sue Hoch, Senior Systems Analyst
City of Kalamazoo
Phone: 269-337-8840

Engineering Division
City of Kalamazoo
Phone: 269-337-8601

City of Portage
Karl Klemm, GIS Specialist
City of Portage
Phone: 269-329-4429

Date of Photography: 2018, 2017, 2016, 2013, 2009, 2004, 1999, 1992, 1983, 1964
Kalamazoo County
Phone: 269-384-8112

2. Street Name Directory

A 180+ page listing of public and private streets in Kalamazoo County. In addition to street name, the location, address range and zip code of the street is provided.

3. Maps

County road maps (produced by the Road Commission of Kalamazoo County) are available for free from the Department. Base maps, census maps, topography maps and other maps are available for purchase from the Department. Other maps are available for viewing, including USGS Quadrangle maps, National Wetlands Inventory maps, and Soil Survey maps.

4. U.S. Census Data

Current and historic census data is available from the County level to block group level. Census tract maps are also available.

5. The Center for Shared Solutions and Technology Partnerships (CSSTP)

CSSTP ( provides leadership, technical expertise and policy for the development, use, dissemination, promotion and sharing of geographic information in the state of Michigan. The CSSTP Data Library has numerous GIS layers available for downloads. The Center's mission will enable state government to more effectively and efficiently serve the citizens, businesses and other governments of the state in areas of public protection, homeland security, economic development, environmental protection and transportation.